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Archive for the 'Family' Category


January 18th, 2016 | Category: Day in the Life,Family


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It’s 2016 wow…I’m a little late on this post. Warmi Paint Festival kicked my ass ya’ll. I am not ready to talk about it just yet so I am gonna move forward with the rest of my posts before they pile up again. Sorry for the delay! – More about that soon. I thought I was going to spend the Holiday’s in Quito but a last minute trip to NY came up just in the nick of time. I was hella happy because I had cancelled all my trips at the end of the year just to get through all the legal shit with the event. I cancelled Colombia, Peru, NY, and ART BASEL that I enjoy attending at the end of the year. It made me very sad, but because the 5Pointz case is now in motion the lawyers set me up for the deposition. I had a week to prepare for the trip and made the best of it. I scheduled a super quick Holiday Pop-Up shop in BK, and got a chance to spend Xmas and New Years with my beloved NY fam. It was a cozy fam style  year even though it was mad hot! Damn Xmas eve was like 70 degrees yeo WTF is going on with the weather? Did you guys feel that. We had to rock some shorts and tank tops that day with all the home cooking indoors. Last time it was that hot was 1996…I remember us outside in shorts and timbs with the snow melting away. Memories….anyway back to my post. Looking back all I can say is that 2015 was a good year but a tough one at the end because I got involved in a monster project I was unprepared for. I rocked it though in true “Toofly Style” Lessons were felt hard, and my heart got a little colder. That is not a good thing for TOOFLY! No no no…but those damn ignorant fools and fucked up system don’t make it easy to love everyone and everything man. The more good you try to do in life more shade you will experience. It’s ill…human behavior is ill mujer or hombre. One thing is for sure everyone’s true colors reveal themselves in time. In the end the universe takes care of it all. Lauryn Hill explains it best “LOST ONES”

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July 22nd, 2015 | Category: Day in the Life,Events,Family,Hommies,POP UP SHOPS

My last day in NY was super sweet! Spent the 4th of July at my favorite place in Queens the Long Island City Pier. I had a lovely combination of work and play that day. Worked on a live art piece with my cousin Richie for the LIC FLEA, sipped on some beer, and enjoyed a juicy turkey burger with fries. YUM! It had been a minute to sin. Summer in NY is the ultimate, each time shorter than the next unfortunately. My schedule more hectic every year. I hardly get a chance to hang with my friends now, but one way or the other they make the effort to meet up and I LOVE THEM FOR THAT!!! Being loved by your friends is one of the happiest of feelings. Especially since I spend months at a time now without them.  You should always show your true peeps love as well as those family member who care. To my dear friend Evelyn who I love very much thank you for always being there and sharing the family time with me:)

Toofly LIC Pier

( EVELYN PHOTOS HERE, Dude send them lol! )


la esquina mexican williamsburg

familia williamburg

Making the best of my NY minute with dearest of friends and family <3

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November 25th, 2014 | Category: Events,Family,POP UP SHOPS,TOOFLY SHOP NYC,Travel

HELLLLLLLLOOOOOO World. I’m finally in Sunny Florida. Ready to relax a bit, and spend thanksgiving week with my querida familia before the Art Basel Miami madness next week. November was an amazing month. I’m loving this three city tour! My first stop was LOS ANGELES, CA about 30min away from Pasadena, Ca where Designer Con 2014 was being held this year. This fall I decided it was time to move into new territory and expand the visibility of my brand to a much larger audience. I teamed up with long time hommie KANO who’s been rock’n these really fun convention events for a few years now, and he recommended I give it a try. I enjoyed it!!! The “booth world” and the hundreds of new faces I got a chance to meet personally who follow my instagram page was special. Meeting your followers live and direct is cool especially because they are in a an entire different city and the energy is still all love. I will most definitely be back next year. Yeahhhh! Shout out to my dear friends Izzy and Kano and my LA family I got a chance to finally re-connect with after 30+ long years.  Thank you guys!!!

Toofly Kano Designer COn 2014

Toofly Giclee Prints


The official drop for my new Giclee Prints! Now available on the shop, while supplies last:

Toofly Designer Con 4

Toofly Designer Con 1

Toofly Designer Con 5


LA PEEPS <3 #FriendsWeLove

Kano Designer Con

Toofly BlackBooks

Designer COn 2014

Toofly Fam


Tia Dali <3 my grandfathers sister who’s been living in LA all this time! Happy to reconnect and meet all my cousins.

designer con nmonster


Designer Con 1

Kano X Toofly Designer Con

Designer COn 2014 1



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April 01st, 2012 | Category: Day in the Life,Family

Before heading to New York I got a chance to take a road trip to the Florida Keys with my mom and sisters. It would be a while before we saw my sister Pam, aka Pamis, aka Inks – it was a perfect opportunity to spend this last chance together and enjoy the beauty of these islands. I’m really happy for Pam, especially now that she is settled in this sunny state! Proud of all the hard work she put in to make her home here. We miss her dearly, but happy we’re just a 3 hour flight away:)

FLORIDA KEYS!!!! BEAUTIFUL ROAD TRIP everyone should go…
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April 01st, 2012 | Category: Day in the Life,Family

March 2012 was intense! On March 11th we gathered as a family in sunny Florida to remember our grandfather, Papito Raul. It has been a year since he left our world, and it’s still very tough to go through our family reunions without him. We miss him so so much! Our hearts are still heavy, and even though we have tried to come to terms with the reality of what life brings eventually it doesn’t really help ease the pain:( Every so often I pull through and check in with the sun, moon and stars. The trees, plants, and rivers. The animals, and conscious beings of light that share some insight of what lies beyond this point of view. I know you are in wonder of love and flow because you were such an amazing man. We miss you so so much Papito lindo! I hope to see you in my dreams…

((( I LOVE YOU ALL )))

Having a place to go – is a home.  Having someone to love – is a family.  Having both – is a blessing.  ~Donna Hedges

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March 20th, 2011 | Category: Day in the Life,Family,Uncategorized

Finding it hard to put this post together…I don’t even know where to begin. Last week I lost my grandfather, our papito Raul. We flew back to Ecuador heartbroken…to say goodbye. A part of all of us feels empty, and we can’t help but fill it up with tears. I’m going to miss our talks, his little laugh chuckles, his silly jokes, his words of advice, and most of all…watching him gear up to build, climb, and fix things. As the days pass we are comforted by the beautiful memories he left behind when we flip through boxes and boxes of photographs. We are all so thankful for everything he strived for so that his family can have a happy, and loving home. Our lives are blessed because of you, and we will honor your life in all we do. Estrañadole mucho papito lindo de nuestro corazon…


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January 08th, 2011 | Category: Day in the Life,Family

Happy New Year!!! Sorry I’m late. Back from visiting my querida familia in sunny Florida, and fighting of a cold;( It’s a tunes, tea, and thoughts kind of weekend as I catch up with my bloggy blog. Even though as you get older the Holidays take a wacky turn for us adults, it’s still super nice to get together with my whole family and watch the kids smile as they open their presents. This year aunt mimi decorated everything from the tree, to the gifts. It was lovely! Grandma made her special Ecuadorian dish, and we got on our purple Prince fun with “Let’s Go Crazy” as the ball dropped. I love my family! Not a day goes by that I give thanks that they are all well, and I can watch my little cousins grow up. Especially when they are around an amazing group of creative, funny, and loving individuals;)



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October 06th, 2010 | Category: Day in the Life,Family,Graffiti / Street Art,Travel

As I approached the third and final stage of my trip I  finally decided on the message I wanted to convey on my last piece. I’m big on experiences. They help guide you throughout your life. Giving you signs as you build up your intuition. Each moment and person I come in contact with is a chance to understand the world and help create the necessary links. It’s all about the bigger picture,  if you believe it to be so. I was extremely happy that my ecua friends have become full on organizers and wonderful human beings. I enjoyed watching them put together an arts and culture event that is sure to grow and inspire their community year after year. All for the love of Hip Hop, and for the love of their pueblo. I was also particularly proud of the chance I had to show my grams and gramps what this is all about! Especially since they had the opportunity to see it come full circle in the land of their ancestors. So even though things got a little crazy in the motherland the day hate erupted like a volcano the opportunity to look at it’s ugly face proved yet again to all who was watching that it solved nothing. Disappointed and embarrassed one can only learn and change which is always good. The only revolution I believe in is LOVE & PEACE!


So the “peace” piece begins. The wall is located in Quito on a street called La Patagonia. The house where my mother was raised, and where I grew up before coming to the states. I decided to go full on latex this time because I can’t stand the spray paint. In the end though using brushes for a large mural was not as fun. ha! It was a nice try, but I’m an aerosol lover.


Ohhhh shit….what you know about librillo? This lady has been feeding the neighborhood her infamous librillo dish for 35+ years! Sweet little lady she allowed me to photograph her as she told her story. She sells about 15 dishes of this stuff in one trip to the patagonia and is done with her day and her living off this stuff. Librillo with potatoes and aji is one of  my favorite native ecuadorian soup dishes:)


Papito knows wasup. He needed to get the energy necessary to get his day on the roof started…



He’s always up to something en la casa del sur. He’s gotta be the ultimate bob the builder type of pop…lol


This street hasn’t changed in all 25+ years. My cousin Nancy and I played as little pasposita girls here just like all them little kids that were running up, and down the block while I was painting. While on a break and snacking on mandarins I began to think about how good these little kids had it. 5-6 years old playing and running around without any parent supervision. Happy and free. Parents in the states leash their kids up at that age just to walk on the streets! It’s a funny thing thing when you stop to notice these things…


after all the thinking I was doing about what life is like en el sur, I took a nap under the sun while my grandma knitted her little doily’s. She’s so cute!


Once my grandpa finished fixing the roof he came down to help me prep the old wall I did back in…2005! whoa that was a while ago…


Then it was hours and hours of brush work…


with a handmade ladder! made by gramps…


11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm…raindrops…


The hommies Diego and Disfraz who live near by came through to show some love before the rain rushed us out. Shout out to Barrio 593 for the 2 page interview and poster! The mag looks dope…and so does the design to their latest album release. I’m so proud of ya!!!




That rain turned into Graniso! I haven’t seen ice rain fall since I was like 6. I wish I would have had a cup I would have ate them little ice pebbles up!


but I settled for a rainy day of humitas con cafe and some some choclo con queso y avas! OMG…so good…native food is sooooOooooo gooood….


Thankfully one day before my flight back to NY and the day after all the madness the country went through I was able to get most of the piece done. Whew…and so it is…
“El Pueblo De La Paz” by Toofly. Quito, Ecuador 2010

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.†– Jimi Hendrix

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October 05th, 2010 | Category: Day in the Life,Family,Travel

Running a little behind on my posts. In the middle of a move to a new apt. Finally got a chance to go through the rest of my flicks and the yummyest part of my trip. After I got my ecua grub on, and painted with the hommies, my grandparents and I hit the road to one of my favorite places, Baños. This little town is known for it’s hot & cold volcanic thermal springs which is said to be good for your health. Baños is about 3-4 hrs from Quito and makes a great road trip. The views are amazing!


Sweet treat. Got to see the Cotopaxi volcano on our way down the road once the clouds cleared up…


The roads were a bit screwed up this time round due to an increase in gringo eco-tourism. Took a few bumpy side roads as we approached the village…


This cow artist dude is everywhere…He should make stickers…


I did some research before my trip and found a lovely little hotel called LA LUNA RUNTUN located way up in the mountains overlooking Baños. The view is priceless! I decided this will be my travel gift to my Papitos…


I love small hotels. They are so much cozier…

Room 56

Room 56 was perfect. Just how I like it, and no TV! If you come here be prepared to hang with nature, and simplicity…


I could so live here…or a place like this…far far away from the city…


At last made it to PARDISE! The volcanic pools overlooking the top of the mountains were beautiful…


Pure bliss…



My Papitos loved it. Spending time with them is always a sweet old time. They love taking trips, and discovering new places too. These two are down for everything! Lucky for them they can come here whenever they want…


A little peace and quiet helps clear the mind…


and them little piña coladas in the bubbly hot tub make you silly!


Good times!


After some long hours in the pool, we took the party to the Cafe del Cielo for some crepes and cafesito. Yum.


The view here was nice too. Beautiful day, beautiful night…


Stole this flick from the website cuz after dinner at the Runtun restaurant which was delicious… I took a nap, and didn’t wake up;( Lol! I felt so relaxed from the warm water I passed out as soon as I hit the pillow. Of course I missed the pool night shots I wanted so bad…


GOOD MORNING LUNA RUNTUN! After some cafesito con pan we were ready to hit the road again…


We vid our farewells to the volcanic pools we enjoyed so much, and promised to return to this beautiful place with the rest of the familia…


Down the swirly roads of the mountain we went…and with each passing hour the roads got hotter and hotter as we got deeper and deeper into the amazon…


It got hot! We had some fried fish with tostones, and then took a walk down the river…


life by the river is freedom at it’s best. The kids were playing and jumping off the rocks. I was clicking away my last shots before my battery gave out…


mama cumita was collecting rocks…


papito was reading the comercio…


and I was just taking it all in. Happiness in the most simplest of forms.

I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.  ~Lillian Smith

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September 01st, 2010 | Category: Day in the Life,Family

I love NY! Especially when you stop to notice it’s beauty once in a while. Makes me forget all the rotten things it does during the day when it’s all lit up. Anyway…on this night the skies were clear and the breeze was one of those perfect temperatures. Not too cold, not too hot, just right. Spent some good ol’ quality time with the love of my life. Resting from the daily grind, and reminiscing about the crazy shit we’ve been through all these years. I feel blessed to have just about all I really need these days. Especially someone I can share beautiful nights like this with and just be me, Maria…






One love, one love…





Happy 15th year anniversary my love!!!

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June 02nd, 2010 | Category: Day in the Life,Family,Green Living,Travel

ahhh yes it’s officially summer in NYC! It was an excellent holiday weekend. From maracuya batidos with my querida family before their trip back to Florida, to a delicious Ecuadorian BBQ with my BFF’s in Staten Island. There was plenty of delicious grilled etraña, hammock sessions and mosquito smacks to go around. Let’s not forget “a party isn’t a party until you dance!” Dragged my brotha from anotha to LIBATION in the LES { official troopers } and “rocked the house yo!” lol, good times, good times. Got it all in and still managed to chillax with my love love at one of our favorite places in Queens, Long Island City Pier. I guess all that was missing was my iphone which got washed away that morning on the permanent cycle. Woops! probably best anyway…haha!







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April 20th, 2010 | Category: Day in the Life,Family

As time passes I realize more and more what is truly taking priority. All I want to do is celebrate those closest to me, enjoy this new found peace, and put everything else on the side. This week I took my love out for his birthday. We set it off at his favorite restaurant in the east village called GYU-KAKU. One of the most delicious Japanese BBQ spots I’ve ever been to. Damn that food was good!!! we recommend it 100% Go for the Kobe, Kim-Chee Sukiyaki Bibimbap rice , and the Eryngi mushrooms OMG YUM! Throw in a little desert while your at it, and pop some bubbly. The bill will be off the roof but it will be worth it;) Great spot…




Appetizer…Samon in hot oil with ginger and scallions…


Grill it up! This is the fun part, just sizzle your Kobe and your veggies and your good to go…


I love my Kym-Chee rice. especially when it’s medium spicey! I’m getting hungry just staring at this photo…


“Barrigita llena corazon contento”, as my grandma would say. Home sweet home time…


This year we will have many celebrations in our family. Everything from anniversary’s, milestone birthdays, and babies. We are moving into a whole new direction and it feels really really good and right on time. I love you babe!!!

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August 25th, 2009 | Category: Day in the Life,Family,Green Living,Travel

Took a short visit to Florida this weekend to visit my Familia before shit get’s hectic this fall. Happy my aunt Mimi, and Hector took us to this new spot called BLUE SPRINGS STATE PARK . It’s the shit!!! Their website does them no justice. If your ever in Orlando I recommend you check it out. You can BBQ, Snorkel, Canoe, Kayak, Camp, and swim in paradise.

Blue Springs-2

Damn this place is It’s BEAUTIFUL!!! Wish MOM & Jenny came, but they had to work;( Working sucks!

Blue Springs-13

BLUE SPRINGS STATE PARK. The largest spring on the St. Johns River, Blue Spring is a designated Manatee Refuge and the winter home (mid-November through March) to a growing population of West Indian Manatees. For centuries, the spring area was home for Native Americans. In 1766 it was visited by Colonial American botanist John Bartram, but it wasn´t until 1856 that it was settled by Louis Thursby and his family. The Thursby house, built in 1872, remains standing. The spring´s crystal clear, 73 degree water can be enjoyed by swimmers, snorkelers, and certified scuba divers with a partner. Swimming or diving with the manatees is not permitted; this rule is strictly enforced. The river is popular for fishing, canoeing, and boating. The park has plenty of picnic areas and a hiking trail. For overnight stays, air-conditioned cabins, a full-facility campground, and primitive campsites are available.

Blue Springs-6

paradise one trip at a time…

Blue Springs-5

Took me a while to convince the rest of the fam to jump off this tree trunk, but they did it!

Blue Springs-7

no, si, bueno…little cuz, she’s so cute!

Blue Springs-10

I must say, I’m glad I did it but damit my arms hurt that night from rowing! No more canoe shit for me, maybe I’ll kayak next time?

Blue Springs-12

Spending time with family is priceless. Even though it was short it was hella sweet.


I MISS YOU FAMILY!!! Have a safe trip back to Ecuador PAPITO! Nos vemos en el winter;)

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February 09th, 2009 | Category: Day in the Life,Family,Travel

I’m back my peoples! It  had a nice little break. Enough time to re-charge, and to get my thoughts straight for the 09′ grind . Lot’s to do! Lot’s to do!


The first few days in my home city were spent making sure I was healthy and strong. Had a bunch of doc visits, and finally pulled out my molar for 20 bucks! hell yeah beats the $400.00 quote I was getting in NY. Whew! I wouldn’t trade my sweet, caring, funny, docs over any of the ones here. Rather fly miles away to be cared for then to have someone suck me dry and treat me like a number. Sigh…traveling to the motherland always helps put things in perspective;)


werd. So I’m all good just need to stop eating so much rice, and get my iron levels up. Gonna miss that raspberry alphalpha juice with yuca bread from el mercado for like $1.00;( organic is def the way to go, everything tastes so much better!


check out the array of chillies, fruits, veggies, and herbs you can dream off having all in one place!


Saturday’s is Pisina day for my grandparents…


We left the city and hit the country side for some swimming and sauna sessions. Mmm $3.00 entry to bliss!


Wednesday I hooked up with Kori, and Senikz at this skate park called “El Parque de las Carolinas”


It’s a tough place to paint because of  the slant on the floor but flicks look great!


The only thing that sucked ass was the paint…gonna have to use house paint next time.


Just thinking of the fumes makes me faint…


Peeps came through to hang in the sunshine with chochos in one hand, camera on the other. We got laughs for days with the chochos! Sounds like a perverted word, lol but really what it is is a bean with a bunch of lemon. Makes a healthy snack for like 25 cents!


That same night was tough…I was hella sick from the paint fumes, dizzy, and weak. Luckily I pulled off one of the dopest live Hip Hop radio shows recorded on GUAMBRA FREQUENCIA on 99.3fm.


My boy Sapín, Disfraz, and La Negrita, host it every Wednesday night from 10pm-12am.
Highest rated show to date;) yay!


On thursday I headed to the inner city to check out my peoples home base “La Casa del Gato Tiezo” ( The Stiff Cat’s House ) Turns out this place was abandoned for a very long time. A crazy shit hole with a dead and stiff cat! hense the name…


The guys in the neighborhood linked up, and asked the city for permission to take over this little house, and the land surrounding it.


The crew now organizes, and produces hip hop urban art and music presentations for youth ages 15-25 in the South and North hoods of Quito, Ecuador. Shout out to the collective and all their efforts!!! Gonna bust my ass to help you guys with whatever I can. Un abrazote a la linda Beatriz! She’s well on her way to unite women and help empower them. Estoy contigo amiga!

Besides all the fun, and mandatory activities to keep my health in check spending time with family is exactly what I needed to get me back on track. Los quiero mucho papitos!!!

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ECUADOR TRIP 1.26.09 – 2.9.09

January 24th, 2009 | Category: Day in the Life,Family,Travel


kicking off my travels for 09′ with a trip back to the mother land…


I missed a whole year without the most amazing people in my life:( If it wasn’t for these two lovebirds, hard working, loving abuelitos life here would not have been this dope!


Looking forward to visiting my tia’s house! organic food, fresh fruit juice, 20+ family members for almuerzo, cafesito, and a game of 31! Can’t forget the lady around the way who sells my favorite yapingachos dish!


Communidad Hip Hop Ecuador gather the troops meeting ya at the skatepark in Quito I’m ready to paint!!!

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