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Archive for April, 2018


April 02nd, 2018 | Category: Day in the Life

I havent had the time to write a post in a while on this here TF blog. I try my best to keep it up to date, even if posts are a little late. My blog is a place to document it all, but more and more Instagram does the same. Websites, blogs, etc are feeling dusty. Check in on them once and a while or none at all right? Aint nobody logging on to your page! We are all busy scrolling on IG, FB, Twitter. So that is to say that I am unsure how long I can keep up to date with yall here meng. It is time consuming especially now that it is getting busy as fuck. I am waiting for my flight as we speak and took a minute here. It is however a great place to write long ( Day in the Life ) stories that reflect more than any other place.  Folks can check in here when they like, just cuz.  Back when I had started the blog there was no social media you guys. I enjoyed taking photos myself and sharing it solely on my blog with my thoughts and ideas.  I threw in a little personal stuff, my art, travels, and ideas. These days I have a personal IG not everyone can see. I like that kind of privacy with my closest, trusted, and most respected. I also have the public one which allows me to share just work and projects with anyone worldwide. Not everyone gotta be in your personal business know what I mean? These days its all instant and your cell makes it easy to post every damn thing, image, thought that you want. I guess its cool, sometimes. So many of us go overboard with it. Like how many feet photos do I really need?  These apps are so good these days tho. I never learned how to drive living in NY because theres an excellent subway system in place that when it works works well. Buses, Bike Lanes, Shuttles etc. Now that we also have these taxi apps like Lyft, Uber, etc you can grab a taxi for short or long trips it makes everything that much more productive.  Car pooling, and sharing rides helps everyone —-  and it helps stay on budget when its for a job mission. As a full time traveling artist/mobile artist these days its helps biz run smoother than before.  All to say that technology is helping artist like myself in many more ways than before as we continue to grow and improve society. Unsure what the next change in tech will be for us dreamers adn doers to continue to do what we do. Shout out to everyone who supports my work, and to the universe who looks out for me and mine. Hard work pays off, and loving what you do makes the world go round . It makes you happier too. 2018 is big year for my biz and personal life. I am truly loving all of it!!!  #NEWYORKCITYGIRL 4EVA.

Toofly Photo

Day in the life

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