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Archive for April, 2015


April 25th, 2015 | Category: Community,Ecuador,Graffiti / Street Art,Green Living

I’ve been building with some really awesome peoples here in Quito. The talent is great, and many of them have been on the grind for years with the city to try and make some dope shit happen. Their ideas are finally coming into full fruition, and with each event it keeps getting tighter. They are taking over more, and more public spaces + organizing events that push the boundaries of what has been done before. It’s nice to see it all unfold. I am used to checking out some really cool stuff in NY all the time, but now that I’m here in the mothaland I feel proud! Shout out to Vera and Alm Crew for the opportunity to join them on their latest project #PROYECTOESPORA in collaboration with one of the coolest design studios in Quito; TORNO CO.LAB.

lab eventTorno Co

Proyecto Espora

The project came about because as a community they felt the need to come up with solutions to a theft and garbage problem they were having in their barrio. They connected with their neighbors and shop locals to propose a street project that can help them, as well as other barrios with issues in a creative way. Kids, and grown ups drilled, gardened, painted, and prepared for a day of creative justice. The street artists took the “Vigilante” theme throughout their pieces to let thieves know this area will now be looked out after by everyone and they have no more business there. The area was dark so extra street lights were installed. Large garbage containers were built and some have a creative twists so kids have fun throwing away their candy wrappers and plastic bottles after school. Educating the public is a day to day process here still. There are no street lights, and garbage cans on every single street corner like there is in NY. Quito is still a developing city. Barrios are left to handle theirs, and this is a creative example of that.
Torno CO Lab

Urban Gradening

Torno Co Lab

Torno Co Lab Space

Alm Crew Vera 2

VERA 2015

Alm Crew-3

Mr. PAINT! mixing paint:)

Alm Crew-2



Toofly Ecuador 19
I got an opportunity to rock one of my favorite illustrations “MAS AMOR” near a funky little tree where the leaves added to the design of the piece, especially when the sun went down. The shade created a beautiful pattern design. These days any chance I have to paint near plants, trees, or nature is a big +!

Toofly Torno Co Lab Process

Toofly Ecuador Process

Toofly Street Shot

Toofly Street Art Ecuador 3

Toofly Street Art Ecuador 1

“MAS AMOR” 2015 by TOOFLY, Quito Ecuador
Toofly Ecuador 5

Toofly Torno Co Lab 2


Ancestrial Ceremony 1


As the evening arrived there was a special video launch planned to close out the day’s event. Ecuador has strong ancestral roots and with the guidance of a native shaman we gathered in a circle for a personal, and neighborhood cleansing. It was a beautiful ceremony, and it was my first one. I’ve been meaning to go to some but never got the chance. As I joined the circle by Vera’s invitation I giggled at first but then realized something amazing. I had arrived!  That feeling you get when it allllllllllll makes sense. It lasts a few seconds but your like oh shit! The connection to the land, art, friends, community, and all I love reminded me why I had returned to my very first home. It felt good…and I’m still processing it…Ancestrial Ceremony 2

Ancestrial Ceremony 3

It was then time to start, and end the late night show. Mixed media artists, dancers, and musicians set the tone for a mapping video projection at one of the big big walls. There was a lot of blank space for a reason. As the lights came on the projection started, and beautiful animated graphics took over the blank space along side the black and white line art illustrations. A collaboration effort by the ALM CREW that has been in the works for weeks. It was a sight to see! As the mural came to life I wondered, has this been done in Quito before?  Felt like a whole new level to street art was in the making. Elders, kids, and young people “ahhhed” and “oohed” and clapped as the show came to an end. For a minute I thought I could be in Dumbo Brooklyn or something. This was great!!!

Torno Co Lab

Torno Co Lab 1

Torno Co Lab 2

Torno Co Lab 3

Torno Co Lab 10

Torno o Lab 7

Big thanks to all and everyone who made this event happen. Much continued success, and looking forward to more.

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April 25th, 2015 | Category: Community,Ecuador,Graffiti / Street Art

Painting season is 360 days a year in Quito, Ecuador. Which means the painting fun never stops. Ecuador has the best weather, it’s almost as good as California weather. This month was pretty action packed, gotta warm up for NY in June! I got word from our friend HTM that ARTE ACTUAL FLACSO was organizing a painting, and fine art spree, at a soon to be demolished building in the north side of Quito. I packed up a few scraps of paint and headed over. As soon as I arrived I ran into Boloh! We met at the 2013 GRAFFF festival in Ambato and remembered his chill vibe and intense pattern work. It was only right we took this time to rock a special collabo with an extinguisher artist who was spreading paint all over the walls. The effect was awesome! Everyone involved that day had a lot of fun taking over the place inside and out. No rules, go crazy! We felt like kids in a candy store…

Lavado Quito 3

Lavado Quito 7 copy

Lavado Quito 1

HTM Ecuador Graffiti

Lavado Quito Art copy

Lavado Quito

Lavado Quito 4

Boloh 2

Toofly Ecuador Graffiti1

Lavado Quito 6

Toofly Ecuador Graffiti2

Boloh 3

Toofly Ecuador Graffiti3

Bolh and Toofly Ecuador Graffiti

BOLOH X TOOFLY, Quito Ecuador 2015

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