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Archive for March 15th, 2013


March 15th, 2013 | Category: Events,Graffiti / Street Art,Travel

Back from Peru!!! Going through withdrawals. Totally missing it right now;( I truly had a super nice time regardless of the high temperatures which I now officially dislike. Not down with the heat in a busy city anymore. Painting and traveling after so many years starts to teach you a thing or two about how best to conserve your energy and use the time wisely to do all that you love. There is never a sure deal you will return to that city so you have to make it count! I had 12 days to rock 3 collaborative murals, spend quality time with the girls, street stroll, and makee sure I get in on their infamous peruvian ceviche, and pollo a la brasa with to-die-for peruvian sauce. OMG YUM. Food was super good, especially alllllll the maracuya icies for 1 sol I bought every single day on my way to the wall. I couldn’t get enough of those! Overall trip was excellent I got to do it all and much more. Thankful, and in love with the way life is unfolding as I organically flow with the current of life <3

Nosotras Estamos En La Calle_Peru


Peru Women

This is the 5th year of the festival, and the wall is bigger and higher than ever. Daunting to look at. Super scary because the equipment and team hired was basic. We had 1 week to complete, but because of the upcoming elections our scaffolds arrived late. Many of the artists had schedules that did no coincide and so the wall will be complete long after we have returned to our countries…

Toofly Lima Peru 2013

Pencils, paper, and ideas flowed organically. It was a smooth process to come up with the design. It was an honor that my sketch was chosen as the lead design for the overall wall, but super scary that my task was to create the face alllllllllll the way at the top. It was unexpected, but I built up the courage to make it happen. I had 3 days to mentally prepare to hang from a 10 story building for dear life just to get this design to happen. I have never been so scared in my life…but I DID IT!

Krew Pic

Toofly SKetch Lima Peru
Adjusting sketch…

Women Peru Mural Lima

I was super happy when I met Wend and Anis from Chile because we clicked right away. They work together to make their productions big and vibrant. My part of the wall was insane to complete on my own and luckily after checking out their work we decided they should most definitely rock the top part of the dress with their beautiful mandala work instead of the heart. I was so happy and so were they because there was no more room on the rest of the wall to rock their work. It was meant to be! Gotta love when that happens…

Dmente Peru

and so we were ready to rock! D’mente from Mexico reppin’

Women Peru Mural

Peru, Ecuador, Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, El Salvador, and USA!

Wen Lima Peru High Building
The scariest moment of the entire process…

Toofly Lima Peru

I lived to tell the story. I am alive!!! Never been this high before on these oldskool equipment set-ups…ah!
Toofly Lima Peru 2
Toofly Lima Peru - 2013

Photos: Susana Del Castillo


Nosotras Estamos Calle Peri

Nosostras Estamos en La Calle Lima Peru 13

It takes a lot of courage to do what we did on this huge building. IT’S ON!

Nosotras Estamos En La Calle 2013 Peru
The mural process continued long after the festival, and will be finished at the end of March with local peruvian artists. Proud of this wall, even though I was unable to make her face look as dope as I would have liked. Working large scale is a whole new thing for me, I have to improve. Officially addicted to painting big, and painting for days and days to create a master piece. The 3-4 hrs pieces I am used is gonna change from now on..-

———–flick lost

Nosostras Estamos en La Calle Mural “PACHAMAMA”

In a collaborative effort 20+ women from the 5th annual NOSOTRAS ESTAMOS EN LA CALLE took part in creating a 10 story building mural entitled “PachaMama” in the center of Lima, Peru. To celebrate International Women’s History Month, and growing love for Street Art in Peru. The women invited to participate in this event came from Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, El Salvador, Colombia, Brasil, Mexico, Argentina, and USA. The event brought these women together to create a larger than life piece that would represent WOMAN, NATURE, and IDENTITY. In a mountain like form, the image of a strong indigenous woman stands tall with a colorful poncho and peaceful blue skies. The quilt like pieces that come together like a rainbow illustrate images of; women, mother earth, animals, fertility, harvest, nature, native patterns, as well as planetary energy in mandala forms that come from the sun, moon, and stars. As women from Latin America, and of native ancestors we believe that the PachaMama is working louder than ever through artists and activists across the globe. #dopewomenatwork


The festival launch began after a few days at the wall which allowed time for folks to get to know each other and get in the mix of things. The launch was held at El Centro Cultural de España. It’s a beautiful space, and a great location with park where all the performances, market, and workshops would be held. The walls are covered with mural works by the current exhibition. It’s beautiful!!! I would love to have an exhibit, mural, and workshops here one day. Some of the women artists who waited their turn at the big wall en el centro had an opportunity to paint here and enjoy the festivities. I made it late, but got a little Toofly piece in there. Not too crazy about it awaiting a good flick to post…



Nosotras Estamos Caller Peru espana

Check out the rest of event flicks here


Current exhibition showcased some works by Elliot Tupac which I love! It’s all about the neon letter styles in Peru…

Party Time Peru
After launch we gathered the troops that were down for a long night in the centro to drink up their infamous liquor PISCO SOUR! Shout out to the good folks of Peru for the hospitality and putting us on to the spots, as well as making sure we got home safe.

COMAS – Community Mural Production for Barrio Comas.

Comas Peru 1

Low on paint, and energy didn’t stop us from heading deep into the barrios of Comas to paint a community wall. Every year the festival makes sure that low income communities throughout Lima get to enjoy street art, and celebrate women history month. Little, and young girls were on the scene helping the artists and taking part in the wall. It was hot as hell, and limited supply of paint but we made it happen!

Nosostras Estamos Calle Lima Peru Comas


Comas Peru Toofly

Luna Lee Peru Comas

Estamos en Comas peru

Guayra Peru Dynamita
Nosotras Calle Lima Peru comas

Event drums

Luna Lee Chile Toofly NYC
Trading sketches with Luna Lee from Chile. Photo by Susana Del Castillo

—- I wasn’t in the mood to paint the materials sucked. Not crazy about my piece so no final pic.

Photo by: Susana Del Castillo
Unsure what kind of transformation I’m going through but my work is changing quite a bit. Still not sure how to grab hold of it. I couldn’t summon up what I’m used to painting back in the states, it just doesn’t come out anymore. Dynamita and I had a brief conversation about it, and it felt right that it is as it should be. I have to give it time to form. I am exactly where I need to be to explore this change. The energy is different in Latin America, and it calls for a different message. It’s going to be a while until I get the knack for this new flow. Anxious! I need good paint, and long hours to continue to develop it…



After days of painting, and traveling in the swealtering heat we finally had a chance to hit the beach in Punta Negra which was like 2 hrs away from centro. It was a cloudy day, and water was freezing but we got our sun action on.

Punta Negra Peru

Punta Negra Peru-2

Punta Negra Peru 3



Helados, Cervesa, and Sand Castles with our artisan friends from la Torta…
Peru Playa Day

After a long day at the beach folks gotta eat! We headed to Milagro restaurant in the neighborhood where our fellow artist BIARK was cooking up a feast. Thank you sweets! It was DELICIOUS.

Milagro Punta Negra Peru

girls cooking in peru


Perfect ending to our beach excursion, sunsets of lava….



When traveling I make sure to make time for my street strolls and dolo thoughts. It’s a great time to take in the flow of the city, it’s people, and it’s environment. It was a lucky time to be in Lima because LatinoAmericano was happening at the same time. A large mural production held every year during March. WOW! I hoep I can get down with it one day. I was super happy that my hommie Pau Quintana Jornet, Chilean from Berlin was painting. Sweetheart making big moves! Happy we are both now traveling throughout South America and painting our hearts out:) Looking forward to chatting it up about an upcoming exhibit in Berlin, and productions in Latin America and the states. Yeah baby!
Toofly Paulina Quintana Jornet

Love you Pau Pau!

Steep Ecuador Peru

On that same block where Pau is painting is a few artists and as soon as I saw STEEP’S work I was like yeah! Fellow artist from Quito.  Finally got a chance to meet in person. LOVE his work! I’ve been scoping it for a while now.Gonna connect and build when he gets back to Ecuador:)

Lima Peru Estamos en la calle

I want to send a super fat shout out to las Chilenas Anis and Wend and organizer Monica. Lovely ladies. Gonna plan a trip to Chile for sure this year can’t wait!!! Dope homegirls right here. Wend te debo una polo! Abrazotes a todas!!!

Dmente La Torta Peru

Mad love for all the girls especially D’Mente! She’s a a colorful spirit. We had great chats in Miraflores, and thanks to her street strolls to sell her goodies we met our new friends at La Torta! Good Times.

Alexandro Peru -La Torta

Thankful to have met some truly creative souls on this trip. Especially the fellow artists that hang out at la Torta who make handmade jewelry and crafts. The energy here is peaceful, loving, and as free as the wind. Most of these artists travel throughout various cities with their crafts and live on the most basics things in life. There was no escaping the vibration…


LatinoAmericano Peru LimaS
Peru is definitely making it happen with the street art… (((( INSPIRED ))))



Thank you Lima, Peru. Next time I will make it to Machu Pichu!!!

Estamos En La calle Crew
Peru, Ecuador, Brasil, Argentina, Mexico, Bolivia, El Salvador, Colombia, USA, and more! Latin America is where it’s at, and where my heart is today. Shout out to the artists, and organizers Claudia, Mishap, Monika, and everyone else who made this experience possible. Un abrazo digital a Amanda for the hospitality and cozy home stay in Santa Beatriz. Fuerza y amor para todas!!!

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